Women of Marin, Past and Present
The Marin History Museum, founded in 1935, is the “keeper” of that history through our vast collection of photographs, documents and artifacts. We are a resource center for students, scholars, government leaders and our citizens. We invite you to sponsor our 2024 Gala celebration honoring Marin women of accomplishment to be held October 26, 2024, at the Mill Valley Community Center. The evening kicks off with a festive reception, fine dining, and a live auction with emcee Beth Spotswood. | Be A Sponsor!Register online PO Box 150727 info@marinhistory.org |
Grand Benefactor $20,000 (2 tables of 8)
Sponsor $2,500 (2 tickets)
The Marin History Museum is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.